Cool Place to Rent Cool Gear for High-Energy Extreme Action Stunts
Established in 2003 as an organization set on having fun while defying physics. Extreme Syndicate combines the skill sets and experience from our entire entertainment family of performers, riggers, and fabricators, bringing us together with one common interest; producing and providing all services and support for high-energy extreme action sports, acrobatics and stunts.
What started off as friends just having fun has now turned into a unique rental resources for those in the theme park, live entertainment, television and movie industries.
The Syndicate is consistently exceeding the expectations of clients, sponsors, and most important… the audience! We support the “WOW" in WOW FACTOR!
Extreme Syndicate 2003
Open house 2016
Built On RelationShips
Our team members are family - we care for each other and work together to make our shows as entertaining and unique as possible.
Led by over 30 years of hard work across the industry creating imaginative productions and stunning performances.
Acrobatic Rigging, Stunt Rigging and Flying FX for Circus, Festivals, Television, Film, and Theme Parks
Time to start thinking about design, engineering, fabrication, install, inspections, maintenance, safety, rescue plan… WOW!!! Finding technical consulting on artistic safety can be challenging. The Extreme Syndicate brings together an expanding roster with a vast array of industry experience and knowledge that will help to reduce your exposure to risk. Our group is also fueled by passion and a love to create new experiences, gags, and stunts. The day we stop having fun… we will get desk jobs
Dancing 20+ feet above your guests, Sway-Poles add a WOW factor like no other.
Dancing and swaying 20+ feet above your guests, Sway-Poles add a WOW factor like no other. Pole acrobats leave onlookers breathless and excited as each swing leaves the audience both trembling and amazed. This fully self contained entertainment element loads in and out with ease and does not require any aerial or ground supported rigging. It may wobble, but it won’t fall down!
Equine entertainment services for theme parks, film and television.
Joanne and Prince William, an 1800lbs Percheron draft horse who’s heart is as big as he is, strut their stuff through the convention center at the Loews Royal Pacific Resort at Universal Orlando. The trust, mutual respect, and what the heck… over 20 years of experience bring to the table. Way to go! And what an amazing group to work with!
Contact Us
Equipment & Gear Rental
Extreme Syndicate, LLC.
entertainment Production & talent Management
Dustin Houck, Houck Talent, Inc.
888.510.5552 phone
866.230.9722 fax